Listy jako rachunek za usługi lub towary (invoice letters)
Słowo invoice oznacza rachunek. Nie zawsze musi on mieć postać formalnego wydruku. Może mieć formę listu, ma to miejsce w wypadku niedużych, często jednoosobowych firm lub kiedy usługi świadczone są przez profesjonalistów (np prawników, lekarzy, tłumaczy).
Best Translation Services
Ul. Piękna 27
84-221 Gdańsk
Mr. Liam Egan
Visit Ireland Ltd.
67, Cork Street
Dublin 1
Re: Invoice No. 6/27 - Translation of Travel Brochure Visit Ireland
Please regard this as an invoice for translation from English to Polish. The work was performed from 26 of May 2014 to 4 of June 2014. Final copy of the translation submitted on 6th of June 2014 by email.
Translation Services - 40 hours at 30 Euro per hour = €1200
Expanses (faxes, copying) - as per attached receipts = €25
Service Tax (8%) €98
Invoice Total (payable within 60 days of invoice date) €1323
Thank you very much for this work. Please contact me if you should require any translation work done in the future.
Wiktoria Kowalska